Sunday, 18 August 2013

Chain Of Office

Rotaracts "Chain of Office" © Ernest Mackina (2013)
Event: Hellen Masango's Presidential Induction
Object: ‪#‎Chain_Of_Office‬
Poem: by Ernest Mackina

"In everything we think say or do...
Is it the truth?
Is it fair to all concerned?
Is it beneficial to all concerned?
Will it build good will and better friendship?"

These tests went four way
and kept banging in my head
Each corner from day one (My first day)
So today I say
As a Rotaractor, it's my path -
My destiny which I shan't stray
Keep steadfast never falter or sway
Service above self and never dismay

Image shot byErnest Mackina of ‪#‎ErnieMacPics‬

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