Wednesday 23 May 2012

Capitalist Perspective...

Who am I?

Just another victim of the system
Swallowed by corporate greed...
Fulfilling the objectives of the capitalists
With capital interests to financially succeed
To bring down your dignity to a proprietors creed

Never seeing the trouble progression is the blinded need
With haste, the system puts you in production line
Increase your pace, increase your speed
Blood and sweat, if you cant keep up
There is the door for you to leave
"In Gold We Trust" 

A thousand civilians
To their pockets
I am a financial villain


  1. I love this piece. Moment of silence...

  2. Thanks fam, how do I follow your blog, steady trying to find out... and please follow mine in return

  3. Blinded by greed, need and creed and the will to succeed and leave something for the breed of my kin...

    love the sound of it...

  4. yay ... brethren, these capitalist, or we capitalists, speak, we breathe... Evry receipt

  5. Wise words Mr Mackina not many have the words to express such wise thoughts
    It is said to be a world of freedom and inequality
    But yet speechless voice exist
    Deceived and ruled by greed
    We suffer at the hands capitalist
    All at the hands of making aim profit
    We suffer in silence
    We watch as power and money prevail
    Why cann't we go back to the late stone age
    A thought flashed throught my mind
    Like a cool breeze,I imagined
    A time dominated by survial and communication
    But then reason took over emotion
    Capitalism did exist but it was silence but fear of life
    We a victim of greed and need
    Suffer at the hands of a CAPITAL PERSPECTIVE


    1. Bravo...Ronaldo!!! can we have more of these commentators passing the batton!!!
